One Brand, One Artist
Every design is handmade.
Every profit will fund my transition ⚧ and my move to Serbia.
Clothing creation by fourthwall.

About me
Foxy HxC Macfly
A multi-disciplinary artist, honing her craft since childhood. Trained in plastic arts in university and refined in the finest french design schools for visual communication and object design, she takes pride in crafting every design, art piece and creation alone.
As a tattoo artist, she boasts a complete apprenticeship and professional experience that influences her visual style and permiates the themes depicted in her art. Beyond the realm of visual arts, she is a self-taught musician, beatmaker, and sound designer. More recently, she is a self-taught video game developer, seamlessly blending diverse skills in a variety of ways and always at the service of expression.
The merch is a reflection of her personal culture. transgender identity, artistic influences, political views, music endeavours, personnal brand [...]
"Do it until you can't no more and then some"
Not convinced by anything yet but you dig the style? Suggest a design for free and it might end up as a product.
I believe that art is a powerful tool for fostering understanding, empathy, and inclusion. As a queer artist, I am deeply committed to rejecting hate in all its forms, both in life and in art.
My engagements are clear and I understand the vagueness of meaning due to the rather cryptic nature of art.
That's why I make it a point to explicitly state my morals and values when discussing my art. I believe that transparency is essential, and by openly declaring my stance against any form of hatred and oppression.
Furthermore, I want to make it clear that I will not compromise on my principles for the sake of a commission or project. Regardless of the discipline or medium, if a commission or idea is tied to hatred, bigotry, or any form of discrimination, I will eagerly decline the opportunity as all ideas are not equal nor is it my belief that they are. My stance is non-negotiable.
Thank you for supporting my journey as an artist.
- Foxy